Registration is LIVE for 2025!
Pricing: Choose your involvement during registration!
Tournament Only: $125/player or $500/team
Tournament & Socials: $800/Team ($1,100 value)
Corporate Team & Socials: $1,000 (includes sponsorship recognition and involvement at all events for 4 people)
Socials Only: $50/person. *Not currently available. Registration for individual socials will become available closer to event dates and depending on availability.
Divas 2025
Please fill out the names of your team and kindly provide email addresses for each team member. Once you have completed the form, please press "Enter Tournament," and you will be redirected to select your planned involvement (tournament only, tournaments and socials) and pay your entry fees via credit card. If you would like to pay with cash or check or have any other questions, please email [email protected] or call us at 316-806-0033. If you are not automatically directed, copy and paste the following in a web browser: https://donorbox.org/2025divas
"*" indicates required fields
Please note: in the event that the tournament is cancelled due to weather related events or events outside of First Tee – Greater Wichita’s control and cannot be re-scheduled to a later date, entry fee’s will not be reimbursed but considered a donation to the charity.

Schedule of Events
Tournament Information
Ladies Only Scramble (morning shotgun start)
2025 Theme: Kentucky Derby
On Course Snacks and Beverages Provided
On Course Games and Best Dressed/Decorated Competitions
Lunch and Awards following play
Projected Timeline:
7am -8:00am – Registration and Cart Decorating (Kentucky Derby Theme. Encouraged, not required)
8:00am – Welcome and Announcements/Rules
8:15am – Shotgun Start
12:30pm – Lunch, Awards and Brief Update from First Tee Leadership
Social Information:
-NEW in 2025! Ladies Socials! We are excited to host you in our new Indoor Learning Center at our Steve Hatchett Youth Golf Campus (MacDonald Golf Course)
-We anticipate Socials to last 2 hours or less.
-Small snacks and a featured beverage will be offered at each social.
-Golf Clinics and Competitions
Sponsorships are a great way to gain visibility for your company OR get involved if you’re unable to play in our tournament this year. Levels start at only $200.
Learn about all sponsorship levels here: https://firstteegreaterwichita.org/sponsorship/
Reserve your sponsorship by emailing [email protected] or by completing payment here: https://donorbox.org/sponsordivas2025